Training Dates
2016 - 2017Schedule Coming Soon
Tampa, FL
(Bi-Lingual Spanish/English)
Aguieus Tactical/Evasive Driving Course
Course Cost: $5550.00 USD (Includes: Lodging, Transportation, and Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Daily)

This is a 5 day course of intensive driver training that includes lectures, practical exercises, demonstrations, and operational environment scenarios. Students will be trained to operate standard and high center of gravity vehicles (SUV’s) in all environments and situations they may encounter while executing their mission.
This Course was initially designed for Foreign Service National Drivers attached to embassies around the world, and has been attended by several agencies, including DOS, DOJ, and DOD personnel.
This course includes:
4 days driving on hard surface - Professional driving skills including braking techniques and skid control maneuvers, handling multiple vehicles that are attempting to force the vehicle off road, understanding over/under steering a vehicle, dynamics of avoiding obstacles, emergency braking and turns, evasive maneuvers -- and reverse 180 degree turns (J-turns), techniques for countering ambushes, tactical ramming, barricade breeching, pushing vehicles and obstacles with a vehicle, situational exercises simulating vehicular attacks, preventing the vehicle from being run off road or stopped, correct escaping maneuvers, driving under fire, emergency procedures, handling the vehicle in an obstacle course, correct functioning while being pursued, high speed vehicle maneuvers.
1 day off road driving - Dynamics of off road driving, avoiding obstacles, driving over obstacles and off road self recovery techniques.
Situational awareness - Route planning/route selection, counter surveillance, vehicle kit selection and layout, pre-mission vehicle checks, and final training exercise consisting of operational environment scenarios. These skills will be taught and reinforced throughout the course.
Having significant current experience in high threat operations, and having intimate knowledge and experience in both low and high profile motorcade operations, site security, route reconnaissance, defensive anti-terrorist driving, surveillance detection, counter-surveillance, sensitive site exploitation, experience in instructing current operations and hostile environment training, and each having survived numerous insurgent attacks with no casualties or injuries to principals under their protection, Aguieus's principals, and its cadre of instructors are uniquely prepared to provide trainees the necessary “real world,” experience-based, tactical driving training that is required to accomplish mission objectives - and survive.
FSN Driving Course Layout
Day 1 Driver emergency response
- Straight line breaking
- Threshold breaking
- Steering wheel management
- Obstacle avoidant
Day 2 Beyond normal limits driving
- Proper use of eyes
- Threshold breaking
- Entering and exiting the apex of turns
- Proper use of throttle
Day 3 Vehicle attack response
- Driver down
- Pitting
- Ramming forward/reverse
- Reverse out/break contact
- Y-turns
- Situational awareness
Day 4 High center of gravity/Motorcade Ops.
- Straight line breaking
- Threshold breaking
- Obstacle avoidant
- Proper off sets
- Screening/Blocking/turns
- Communication
- Y-turns
- Situational awareness
Day 5 Off Road
- Day 5 Off Road
- Proper off road equipment and use
- Proper use of four wheel drive, 4 high and 4 low
- Proper tire placement
- Speed verses momentum
- Crossing obstacles
- Self recovery and aided recovery